Please download and print any of these forms that’s needed for volunteers:
2024 Volunteer Application Form – Google Form
2024 Member Application Form- Google Form
HOH-Member-Application-Form pdf
HOH Volunteers Activities regulation
HOH Team Call Hours Form – Google Form
Volunteers please print and fill out the forms , Mail to :
P.O.Box 5521, Diamond Bar, CA91765
For more information please contact:
Director: Ms.Joanna Lo
(909) 396-0852
Heart of Hope
Presidential Service Award Guidelines
Heart of Hope (HOH) has become a certifying organization of the President’s Volunteer Service Award, which means we can now nominate our volunteers for this honor. The President’s Volunteer Service Award is brought to you by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) to encourage the giving spirit in America.
1. Must be an American citizen or a lawfully admitted permanent resident of the United States (green card)
2. At least 100 hours of volunteer service within a 12-month period
3. Must be at least eleven years old
4. Must be a member of the certifying organization for at least 1 year. Starting from your second year, your hours will count toward the award. Hours must be earned between 1/1 and 12/31 of any given year.
Award Structure: (age, hours and levels as stated by CNCS)
1. Under 16 years old~
100+ hours Gold Award
2. Over 16 years old:
100+hours Bronze Award
175+ hours Silver Award
250+ hours Gold Award
How hours are counted:
1. All HOH and HOM (Heart of Music) senior center hours count toward total hours
2. We accept volunteer hours outside of HOH but you must provide proof and those hours will only account for ¼ of the award level requirement.
(ex. If you are applying for a Bronze Award, you must have 100 hours, so the maximum number of hours you can earn outside of HOH will be 25 hours)
All eligible HOH Volunteers must prepare all the following documents are turn them in HOH Student Volunteer President before 1/31 each year. There will be no exceptions for missing documents and/or late application.
1. I.D. (One of the following : Birth certificate/Passport/Green card)
2. Application Form (print from HOH website www.hohca.org )
3. Proof of hours
4. Application fee: $45 Checks payable to Joanna Lo
(includes certificate, letter from the president, medal, and shipping fee).
After careful evaluation, we will send out all nominations together. HOH only has the power to nominate volunteers; the final decision rests with CNCS.
*If there are unclear situations, HOH reserves the right of final explanation.
Heart of Hope (HOH) 已正式通過成為美國總統義工服務獎認證的優秀組織(The President’s Volunteer Service Award)。可為組織內優秀義工推薦及申請總統義工服務獎。美國總統義工獎是由美國總統社區參與服務委員-Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS)所頒發的獎. 主旨在鼓勵美國人民發揮樂於助人的義工精神。
1. 必須為美國公民或者具有美國永久居留權居民(綠卡)
2. 一年內服務時數達100小時以上
3. 至少年滿十一歲以上
4. 於申請組織服務滿一年已上,從第二年起之服務時數開始計算
時數計算期間:每年1/1日~12/31日 期間為時數累計標準
1.所有HOH 活動和HOM(Heart of Music)老人院表演皆列入HOH之正式時數
1.身份證明(以下擇一:出生證明 / 護照 / 綠卡)
4.申請費用:$45 (包含證書,總統信函及獎章和郵資)支票抬頭為:Joanna Lo